j'aurais du etre a Rennes pour les LGM, libres graphics meeting ... du coup ... c'est "télétravail" jusqu"a vendredi :-{
--------- jeudi 11h30 - https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2020/en/live.html
PRESENTATION Immersive Web of Twins Philippe Coval
Thanks to WebGL, WebVR, WebXR API, effortless navigation into 3D scenes using just a Web Browser is now a reality. A new era of possibilities is now available for developers using higher level frameworks such as Three.js, A-Frame or Baybylon.Js to deal with 3D contents for Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality. What about Augmented Virtuality ? The "Web of Twins" experiment is exploring interactions from sensors and actuators to virtual worlds back and forth. Each step of the full opensource chain will be detailed https://purl.org/rzr/weboftwins
--- https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2020/en/program.html ---