Salut les pingouinots, Dans le cadre d'une interview "journaliste de magazine PC", il serait cohérent de répondre à des questions sur un système d'exploitation alternatif non libre (Ouine 10 pour ne pas le nommer) : questions pratiques du genre : - les nouveautés ? - à qui ça va servir, le grand public ? - est-ce que ça vaut le coup de prendre ce nouveau S.E. ? - quels avantages ? - compatible avec son ordi ? Merci d'avance de vos points de vue et critiques :-) Salutations ensoleillées,
Dear Patrik,
We can't stop all the millions of people who are installing Windows 10 right now, but we can influence our friends and family to skip Windows and join us in the free world. As you know, Windows 10 puts those that use it under the thumb of Microsoft, while free software treats users as equals and gives them control over their digital lives.
Pledge to help a friend switch to GNU/Linux today.
We've also created a new area on our site for people interested in switching from Windows. Check it out, and share it with your friends to get them excited about joining you in the free world.
The FSF maintains a list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions, and there are myriad resources online for getting started. If your friend wants to try free software but can't be persuaded to leave Windows quite yet, show them these free programs that work on Windows. If they're thinking about buying a new computer, show them the laptops we certify through our Respects Your Freedom program. If they're the type that builds their own computer, they can use h-node, the community-maintained database of computer components that work well with free software.
We can't hope to match Microsoft's huge advertising budget, but if you're on social media (see our recommendations for user-respecting social media systems) you can help raise awareness of Windows' abuses and encourage people to switch, in your own words. Help us jam Microsoft's ridiculous #UpgradeYourWorld hashtag by including it in your posts encouraging people to steer clear of Windows.
Zak Rogoff
Campaigns Manager
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